Welcome to Energy Square Dental Practice

Energy Square Prosthodontics specializes in major reconstructive dental surgery and work such as implants, crowns, dentures and bridges.

Prosthodontist Dr. Manning and his team of registered dental assistants are proud to offer their Edmonton & Area patients with the dental treatments necessary to give them their smiles back! View dentistry Case Studies of patient treatment information or contact us today to inquire about preserving or replacing your natural teeth.

"A positive doctor-patient relationship has been identified as the most important factor affecting treatment outcomes. This is really about 4 elements: trust, communication, value and professionalism. This means fostering a personal, patient-centred relationship to facilitate trust with patients. This means effectively communicating the need for treatment recommendations. This means the promise to do our best to apply all the skills and knowledge acquired in a binding commitment to serve patients." - Dr. Kieth Earl Manning